Tea and Health | Why Tea Is So Healthy for You?
Tea and Health…Tea is often said to be good for health. This is the story about how I found my true love in a cup of blooming flowering tea, despite being raised in a coffee-obsessed culture. The blooming experience of flowering tea can’t be explained in words. It’s my favorite hot drink by a long way and one I look forward to every day.
I like adventurous teas and this one is fun. From the color of the liquor to the aesthetic view of blooming of flower in a pot, the tea seems exceedingly gentle. And its flavor is surprisingly delicious. It’s personal, quietening and relieving stress. And I feel it will be straightaway liked by anyone who has a view of this magical tea.
I drink almost every type of tea. English breakfast with milk is my favorite but I also love to brew herbal like lemon and ginger or anything with a little peppermint. Why tea? Is it a healthy choice? Is there any reason to love tea? I’ve put together the best reasons to love tea, so let’s explore the world of tea!!!
1. Drinking tea is like Going to the Spa
It is part and parcel of maintaining beauty. Green tea is especially known to contain compounds which improve complexion. It is thought that green tea fights laugh lines, dark spots, sun damage, and wrinkles. Thanks to EGCG which re-activate skin cells.
2. Tea makes you feel Energetic
The theanine found in tea also reduces anxiety and calms you by increasing the number of inhibitory neurotransmitters. The result is a better mood, and happier, emotionally balanced you. It may help moderate the levels of serotonin and dopamine which are responsible for making you feel good.
3. Tea and Health-Strong Bones
It contains antioxidants and Vitamin H which improves and supports the immune system. Flavonoids in tea help to prevent cellular damage and many diseases. Tea may improve muscular strength by reducing inflammation, strengthening bone development, and by discouraging the breakdown of muscles and bones.
4. Tea and Health-Flavonoids
Tea is a great source of antioxidants known as flavonoids. Flavonoids keep your heart and blood vessels healthy by keeping the blood vessels ‘flexible’ and able to stretch in and out so your blood flows smoothly.
They help reinforce our body’s natural defense system and slow the aging process. They may also have a protective role to play in preventing stroke and some cancers. Moreover, it is anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic.
5. Tea and Food complement each other
All foodies rejoice! Food and tea complement each other. Am I right? Can you imagine eating a scone without tea? Of course not!!! Do you love to drink tea right after meals?
6. Tea and Health-Calorie free
We have great news! Tea is nearly calorie-free when you take it without any sugar or milk. It also helps to lose weight by boosting your metabolism. If you are trying to lose weight, green and oolong teas are especially helpful.
7. Tea helps you stay focus and alert
Tea contains theanine, a natural amino acid, which helps you switch off distractions and focus on the job at hand, like writing blog posts. It works on the brain to enable me to stay alert yet relaxed.
8. Tea and Health-Better Sleep
How can ye sleep peacefully? Yes, by drinking a perfectly brewed cup of blooming lotus tea. Tea definitely helps you to have a nice comforting sleep. The extent of caffeine in tea depends on the brewing method and category of tea you are drinking.
9. Tea re-hydrates you
It is healthy and keeps you hydrated even in winters. The potassium in the black tea helps your body stay hydrated and balances the fluids in your body.
10. Tea refreshes and revives you
I like to call tea my “oasis of relaxation” on a busy day. For a few minutes, I sit down and relax with a ‘cuppa’. I find that nothing relaxes me as quickly as tea!
11. Tea is the best conversation starter
Sharing a cup of tea is the easiest way to get something off your chest, discuss a problem or download your worries.
12. Drinking Tea is Like Meditating
Tea contains theanine which promotes relaxation. It also improves concentration, alertness and fends off fatigue.
Having a cup of your favorite traditional tea — or herbal tisane —may be a lovely way to stimulate your physical and mental well-being in a refined way. But always keep in mind that the most compelling health benefits are best obtained by leading a healthy lifestyle.
In order to feel energetic, lose weight and lower your risk of serious diseases, you might want to consider blooming lotus teas a regular part of your life. Is it really a healthy choice? Share your personal tea experiences with us!!!