Blooming Tea Party-What a Blooming Experience!

Blooming Tea Party-What a Blooming Experience!

For any of tea lovers out there, this blooming blog might be of some interest to you. I recently tried Jasmine Ring Blooming Tea for the first time at a friend’s party, and trust me it was awesome. It was a perfect blooming experience!

“Blooming tea symbolizes long life and harmony, making it the perfect treat to enjoy with your family and friends.”

Chinese Tradition

The Blooming Tea is a tight bundle of green tea leaves or buds skilfully hand-woven around dried flowers.

Blooming Tea
Eye-Catching Masterpiece

What makes flowering tea so special? It blooms into an eye-catching masterpiece once hot water is poured on it.

In other words, it gives the tea drinker a double treat of wonderful tea with distinctive taste as well as a magnificent floral display. Yes, that’s right.

Similarly, as the leaves dance gently inside your glass teapot, blooming tea gives you movement, vibration and also powerful health benefits.

Now it’s time for me to show you how to brew flowering tea. Place blooming tea into the large glass teapot and pour hot water into it. Finally, add honey as per your taste and enjoy the amazing beverage!

You know what? A number of flowering tea lovers believe that it can only be brewed once, but the fact is it can be used about three times. On the other hand, the cool thing is each time it is prepared, you are most likely to enjoy a new flavor.

Fantastic Idea for a Unique Blooming Tea Party.

And Today I have a Fantastic Idea for a Fabulous Tea Party. After that, I will also tell you how to serve this special tea to your guests at the party.

Most importantly, use glass teacups instead of one big glass teapot, place blooming flowering tea in each glass cup and pour the hot water in their presence and let them enjoy the amazing blooming moment.

Want to know a secret? Pick different flowering teas per guest and let your room be filled with different colors and scents.

Unique Party Ideas
What a Blooming Party

A Great Antioxidant Tea

Seriously, it is a great antioxidant tea that helps in boosting the metabolism. Above all, it was my first time having such a flavored beverage and I loved it.

Finally, Thank you so much for such a delightful party. It was a wonderful relaxing visit. Have you had an exciting tea adventure?

Moreover, share your Tea Journey with us. Well, here at blooming lotus you can also share your favorite tea experiences. Have a Nice Day!