“When it is fall, rise and head towards the kitchen for making a cup of tea”(#My Quotes).Fall in love with our signature blooming teas this fall!!! The Fall Season (Autumn!) brings with it the cool breeze, lovely isolation, and the inspiration towards making a splendid end. The end of what? Of all the bad times, the mistakes (whether intentional or unintentional!), and the nightmares of the whole year.

So, as the trees shed off their leaves, it’s the time to shed off all the bad of the previous year and start a new beginning. Fall is also a happy time for the “seasonal” tea drinkers. The chilly mornings and evenings of the season even attract the non-regular tea drinkers to take tea.

The hot mug of tea no doubt brings a delightful feeling in the body (every part of it!). That’s what strengthens the fall-tea relationship. It is sometimes you-me and tea relation and most of the time me-my isolation and tea relation.

“Happiness is TEA on a FALL day.”


The Fall Season Teas

Let’s enjoy a cozy fall cuppa!!! Some of the tea flavors are specific for the fall season. Why so? Due to their reveling instincts and warmth, they are born to provide. These teas are:

  • Harvest apple spice
  • Vanilla Veda
  • Pumpkin spice
  • Salted caramel black tea
  • Apple cider herb tea
  • Caramel apple red
  • Cinnamon tea
  • Ginger tea

Benefits of Tea in Fall Season

We the tea lovers enjoy the tea all year long. But when it is fall season, the tea could provide some additional benefits.

  • Better Beginning of a New Day

Waking up in the morning of a fall season is little hard. Yeah! Who could leave a warm and cozy bed? No worries a cup of bed-tea in the morning would help to start a new day with better energies.

  • Source of Relaxation

During the fall season, you often feel tiredness and keyed up. A cup of tea could bring a sense of relaxation to the nerves. Moreover, this relaxation will lead to calmness in mind and body.

  • Best Companion of the Chilly Evenings

The evenings of fall season often bring along the feeling of loneliness and isolation. At that time, a mug of hot tea also acts as the best companion. It provides a soothing effect and opens the way for innovative thoughts.

  • Maintain Hydrated Body

Tea maintains the water level in your body. What? You always thought that it sucks the water out of your body and make it dehydrated? The truth, however, is different. The tea helps to maintain the water level during the chilly fall season.

During the fall you drink less amount of water because of less thirst, so you need to be hydrated. But you have to be careful not to take in too much tea. As too much of everything is terrible so as that of tea and it could lead to dehydration. 

  • Boosting up the Immunity

The tea has also been found to increase the immunity of the body. So, in the time of fall when people often get vulnerable to different diseases, a cup of tea daily could help boost up the functioning of your immunity system.

  • Exalt the Energy

Undoubtedly, the days in the fall are usually tiring for the soul. You become tired, even if you do a little work. The cup of tea, however, could solve this problem by venting off all the laziness and exalting your energy. The sip of tea will make you look and feel fresh and energetic.

  • Reduce the Depression

The fall season may accompany with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) for some folks. But if tea is your companion, then you don’t need to worry. The tea will also effectively fight back any depression if it dares to attack you.

William Ewart Gladstone has rightly said:

“If you are cold, tea will warm you;

If you are too heated, it will cool you;

If you are depressed, it will cheer you;

If you are excited, it will calm you.”